Colab TV: Excerpts from Potato Wolf, M/W/F Club, XFR STN at the New Museum, a 2-disc DVD selected and assembled by Andrea Callard and Coleen Fitzgibbon is now available for purchase!
On the occasion of XFR STN, a public archiving exhibition at the New Museum, in Summer 2013, we have assembled excerpts of videos originally shown on cable TV as Potato Wolf and produced by Collaborative Projects, Inc. (COLAB) 1978-1985.
Potato Wolf videos were originally created on now obsolete formats such as Sony Portapak, Super 8mm film, or 3/4″ U-Matic in the live cable studios of ETC (not Manhattan Neighborhood Network) and also at Young Filmmakers. When VHS came out in 1986, COLAB sponsored Alan W. Moore, Sophie Vieille, and Michael Carter to initiate the Monday/Wednesday/Friday (M/W/F) Club to distribute media made by COLAB members and other filmmakers.
Thanks to all COLAB artists involved, Coleen Fitzgibbon and Andrea Callard digitized these specific aging videotapes 2006-2013 and worked with Michael Grenadier, Abby Goldstein, Anthony Kapfer, and Katie Bradshaw to produce this DVD.