Currently on view:
No City Is An Island
April 10 – May 11, 2014
The Lodge Gallery, 131 Chrystie St (between Delancey and Broome), NYC
The return of The Real Estate Show in four NYC venues (James Fuentes Gallery, ABC No Rio, the Lodge Gallery, Cuchifritos Gallery + Project Space and Spectacle), continues now until May 11th at The Lodge Gallery.
Find more about all five exhibitions HERE.
Collaborative Projects Inc (Colab), focused on theme-centered exhibitions with a spirit of openness, experimentation, and minimal curatorial interference. Within this context, “No City Is An Island” asked former members of Colab to respond to the exhibition’s title as a theme around which to contribute work. Dialogues were rekindled and themes were revisited or reinterpreted. As each artist has evolved over time, so has the city itself. With a range of works transversing 35 years, “No City is an Island” revisits the zeitgeist of a New York City long bygone, compares and contrasts the artists and urban realities of then with now, and honors one of the most influential art organizations in New York City’s history. (The Lodge Gallery)
- Tom Otterness, Jane Dickson, Coleen Fitzgzibbon, Greg Lehman at the Lodge Gallery
- Steve Kaplan, Coleen Fitzgibbon, Greg Lehman at the Lodge Gallery
- Tom Otterness, Suzanne Fletcher, Christof Kohlhofer, Coleen Fitzgibbon at Lodge
- Christof Kohlhofer at the Lodge Gallery